Turns out it’s rather difficult to a ‘pub’ in Hong Kong. You can get a beer at pretty much any restaurant, but when you’re wearing shorts, sandles, and a tshirt with sweat stains due to the humidity, you’re pretty much just looking for a place to sit down for a cold one.
Although I have been off the booze since March 6th, I have no problem joining my father to an Irish pub called The Shamrock. This pub is located on a dead end street and this area is one of the few places you can find an actual pub in town.
As we sit there, him with his Guiness and me with my Ginger Ale, and we decide to order High Tea.
For those of you who don’t know, High Tea is an afternoon event mainly done in British colonies. You have tea (obviously), and normally a 3 layer plate is brought out with finger sandwhiches, cookies, biscuits, cakes and more. Our High Tea is a little different.
For starters, the guy running the pub looks to be from India. An Indian guy running an Irish pub in Hong Kong… Anyone else this a little odd?
With our High Tea we get a mini-cheeseburger, fries, 6 small vegitarian eggrolls, 3 finger sandwhiches (processed ham with processed cheese, a BLT, canned salmon), caesar salad w/ corzoni, a piece of carrot cake and a piece of chocolate&walnut cake. What a wonderfuly diverse meal for a mid day snack. It ain’t no Penninsula (posh hotel down the street with quite an upper-class High Tea), but it did the trick.
Aside from the odd High Tea food selections, I’d recommend this bar to anyone. Newly renovated, clean, friendly staff.
More to come…