As a first time Royal Dutch Airlines, I really didn’t know what to expect. Although not a frequent international traveller, I have made a few treks outside of North America and I know what good service is all about. Although being greeted while boarding the aircraft by a flight attendant, that was the last bit of communication from the staff until the mandatory seatbelt check immediately before takeoff. I always have my head phones in and really don’t like to be bothered much, but needing someone to take away the pillow and blanket left on my seat, and I found it rather frustrating to have no one visible within the cabin to attend to my needs.
The flight takes off and we’re in the air about 10 minutes early, this is nice. Within a few minutes of the seatbelt signs being turned off I have a drink on my table, and 20 minutes after that the food cart comes out. The look on the flight attendants face when she gets to me says it all. There are no longer any meal options available, I will be having pasta for dinner. Although I’ve had worse airplane food in my life, the fact they showed me my options and offered an upgraded meal during my online check-in makes this even harder to swallow than the stake bunch which accompanied my pasta.
I am flying economy class and I occupy a seat in row 20 of a 45 row section. I’m being told that all the passengers previously had chosen the chicken or the stir-fry dish (no shit eh?) and they were only left with the pasta. Strike one KLM, strike one.