Author: keith

Boarding Pass

This is the start of a new section on this site… the boarding pass. Each one is unique. We’re leaving one place and going to another. We’re leaving behind some things and we’re going to find others, whatever they may be. How cool is that? This section will be devoted to telling a short story […]

It’s quite and I’m cold

It’s quite and I’m cold, the rain is picking up and the anticipation has created an electrifying feeling in the air. The stadium is packed, as is the club house. The multi-national crowed is excited, and they all wait patiently. It starts, quietly. I don’t recognize it, but I know what it is. The chilling […]

20th annual Ales Hrebesky memorial tournament

Striped shirt, check. Black pants, check. Whistle, check. Amazing setting for an international box lacrosse tournament, Czech. Ok, so this is hard. Blogging while in such an amazing place, but here it is, short and suite. I got off the airplane on Wednesday, straight to the venue for the tournament, and was on the floor […]

I amsterdam

And the journey begins. The minute I stepped out of customs I could feel the European atmosphere, and by that I mean cigarette smoke. The airport isn’t that special, but as soon as your our you get a real taste of what this place is all about. Entrances to 5 different train stops all funnel […]

KLM Flight 682

As a first time Royal Dutch Airlines, I really didn’t know what to expect. Although not a frequent international traveller, I have made a few treks outside of North America and I know what good service is all about. Although being greeted while boarding the aircraft by a flight attendant, that was the last bit […]

Chitwan National Park

The Chitwan National Park is a wildlife reserve located in southern Nepal and bordering India. From Kathmandu, you take a short 25minute plane ride, or a 9hour bus trip, we chose the shorter of the two. April 19th, we arrived at a small air field in Bharatpur(spelling?), hoped in the guest house van, and were […]

Trek updates… The final chapter.

So… Although we had a lot of downtime during the adventure in the Khumbu, there wasn’t much time or patience to write everything that happened. So here’s an update. While in Lobuche, one of our Nepali friends (B) had a cut become infected, and a day later, while in Gorak Shep she got an infection […]

Quick update – Chitwan

Quick little update for those of you following along. We’re back from the trek/adventure part of the trip, and we’re now on the vacation/relaxation part, woohoo! We arrived back in Kathmandu to be taken to a gorgeous resort known as the Park Villa. A pool (one of only 3 in the city), western style amenities, […]

Top of Namche Baazar

So here it is, the first video blog of the trip. Not much to report, and super late because there is no solid Internet connection to upload it from. We are now back in Namche, after going to basecamp and back. YouTube Video